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Friday, November 13, 2009

Two days & counting....

Yes....2 days since the auspicious, or non-auspicious beginnings of this blog & now I am a little over-whelmed by the sheer fool-hardiness of my idea to start a blog. It's easy to write...writing has always come easier than speaking for me - although, in the latter department I'm far from being the silent type!! But to put it all out there in open....for all the world to see??!! And when you talk about the worldwide web....the pure naked truth of it is that it is indeed the whole world!!! What have I done??!! Aarrrrghhhhhh!!!!

Being stubborn & too damn proud to admit the truth of my stupidity I shall press on, in the hopes that I will eventually get over the embarrassment of people reading my writing....that is of course being optimistic, seeing as nobody may find it worthy of reading!! And also in the hopes that I can make some-one laugh, for laughter truly is the best medicine & a wonderful gift. I love to make people laugh at me,  or with me, I find it therapeutic to laugh at myself & if some-one else can see the funny side of my ditsy life, then perhaps the pleasure, the pain, the ups & especially the downs...they have one small purpose.....I can brighten some-one else's day. Again...sounds corny..but there you have it.

And so I come back to the main topic of this blog...DH (Dear Hubby) has been telling me for the longest time to start a blog....I know in part because he considers me a good writer....the natural mischievousness in me can't help but wonder if, in part, he hopes that I will vent somewhere else aside from on him! :) Although, truth be told, this is probably an accurate assumption! But I know regardless of the fact that I am not writing on the topic he had initially hoped, he will encourage my endeavour, even though he might not always understand my twisted sense of humour!

Aaahh...the complex lives of families...becoming a parent is the most wonderful thing in the denies it...although you wish people would stop stuffing it down your throat at every turn!! As parents...we know this...but it is also a frustrating time....especially for the woman, for it is she who must make & accept the most change. This goes double for a woman who has enjoyed an exciting, exhilarating, career. One in which she was the queen of her world, the one counted on for meeting deadlines & being orderly. Enter Child 1 - if you're lucky, as I was, C1 is a text book baby...develops on time, eats on time, sleeps on time....your world continues to spin more or less on its balanced axis. And of course, you still have the safety of work to run to, where no matter the problem, it is solvable in a rational, well-thought out manner....& let's face it...unless you're a loss of life is imminent.

This, as any parent knows is not the case with children.....let's take a rash for could mean anything from prickly heat to eczema or worse & until you grow adept at identifying which it can be scary! Or in C1's case....urinary tract infection at 10 months!! Something we didn't even identify until the paediatrician noticed a lack of weight gain...naturally due to loss of appetite....& so the parental trauma begins....frequent urine tests, antibiotics & then more tests to make sure the on-going infection had not affected his kidneys.

And then, quite unexpectedly...C2 makes his entrance....& the last vestiges of you as an individual in your individual world takes flight.....whether to make an appearance later is yet to be seen! Suddenly the organised career girl seems lost forever, floating & sometimes sinking in a sea of soaked diapers, runny noses (for now trouble is truly doubled) & the mountains of 5 year old homework which seem  insurmountable to Mummy...forget about what C1 thinks!! And it  all gets just a wee bit over-whelming.

Then one hear from an old friend...she's pregnant...& it's been a struggle, fertility treatments & many disappointments & now...oh the excitement!! And all of a sudden the fog rolls back & whilst you are ecstatically happy for friend, you remember to be grateful for the ease with which C1 & C2 were conceived & that, in general they are healthy & strong....& as every mother upside down as your life now is....some-how this IS your life & you don't really want to trade it back for your old least......most days you don't....

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