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Monday, December 16, 2013

Those Little Moments

So....the furlough may just be over...yet to be seen whether the staying power is really there...or this is just a kink I need to get out of my & wait! :-)

Three years since the last post....times have changed, career change, and life has sure changed! Let's just say that life doesn't always turn out the way you thought it would...but then...when has it ever??

But with all those changes, it's good to stop and treasure those little moments...the moments that make you smile right from the soles of your feet to the top of your head. 3 years on...C1 & C2 (9 years & 6 years, respectively)...good looking (and I'm NOT biased on that! :-)  ) little men and I don't get to spend as much time with them as I would like. But when they're around, they sure do give me a lot of those little moments! The ones, a mother will carry in her heart for always...wherever she may go and whatever she may do.

That moment when you are cooking lunch & either C1 or C2...runs into the kitchen from whatever they were doing...just to give you a huge hug...and run away again! :-)

That moment before they fall asleep when they roll over & hug you tight...lying in the dark with my babies either side of me, hugging and being hugged in return. And then watching them sleep.

And as they get older and start to rationalise more, that bittersweet moment in a conversation when you realise your baby is growing up and has the ability to learn and to reason, without your stimulating it.

The swell of pride when your child gets up on a stage and gives a speech, or receives a prize....

Or sprawled with them on the ground...teaching them painting techniques...watching as your little miracles create colourful marvels that speak volumes about their internal workings.

Those are the precious little moments to be cherished....those are the precious little moments I live for.