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Monday, September 6, 2010

Getting the Hang of This Mothering Thang!

So the hols are over...C1 back today & C2 back tomorrow...and I can't make up my mind as to whether I am sad or happy for more me time.

In my humble opinion the holidays have been a roaring success! Not only did the boys get along much better....less trying to kill each other & more time running around laughing & playing....aaahhh....yesssss....all was more or less as it should have been. Almost afraid to jinx it...but I think my boys are finally at that turning point....C1 seeing C2 more as a playmate & friend than a source of annoyance & sometimes blind rage!!
But somewhere in the dark of night, or so it seems....that for which I wished so hard seems to have snuck up & struck me from behind. I recall the days when I longed for the yelling to end...the bullying,...the breaking things....for peaceful playtimes & happy hours spent quietly playing with toys or painting. And now - just as it seems to be becoming a reality I am faced with the bittersweet reality that BOTH my boys are not longer Mama's babies, & Mama is suddenly not ready to give up the baby-days!

For as they each begin a new school year, and I realise my time with them as children is rapidly shortening, I am thankful for the fact that I DID spend countless hours with them...choosing to do my freelance work mostly at night: we worked on papier mache projects, we painted, we played games & I even brought them along to a meeting so they had a day outing with a swim & lunch! And just as I feel like this career girl is finally getting the hang of this mothering thing...all too soon its back to school...with all that that entails.

I DO miss my boys being around all the time...but that does not mean I don't enjoy some me time when they're away...I do enjoy being able to sleep more at night as I work on projects during the day...but in the end...this career girl has found a new least one that IS rewarding as I proudly watch my babies grow into young boys & young men....& I know I am not being biased when I say....they do a mother proud!