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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fitness Freaky

OK - so we have come to terms with the fact that no matter what you do at some stage of mother-hood your figure starts to go wonky. Unless you are a celebrity or other such privileged sort, the duties of motherhood tend to take precedence over your fitness regime.

Let's look at the seemingly downhill struggle - before the birth of C1 - keeping your figure on track was almost effortless...a few hours of exercise a week and some pretty crazy eating habits...this is the life of the average woman. Then the pregnancy comes along and you are determined that you are NOT going to end up looking like the Goodyear blimp after the birth of C1. So you continue with, and in some cases, even step up your regime. Out comes C1 and OMG! The fat seems to melt away as quickly as ice under a tropical sun. Fabulous! Everyone says how fabulous you look after having had a child. You FEEL fabulous...everything is simply FABULOUS!! 

Somewhere along the way you conveniently forget the aging process....and much to your chagrin...the diabolic slowing down of the metabolism. Suddenly, here you are pregnant with C2, expanding like a helium balloon and that fabulous feeling has run for cover lest it be squashed under your every-growing size!

C2 is born and you desperately seek that figure that seems irretrievable. But somehow you never get round to it or you start and can never consistently continue. Then C2 starts you finally begin a 15 minute daily walk and after day 1 you feel fabulous! 

After Day 2 - you feel a little achy, a little less fabulous and a little less motivated.

Nevertheless.. Day 3 comes and you drag your aching body out there and it takes a good 3/4 of you exercise time for you to get into it and you practically have to haul your aching muscles every step of the way.....but suddenly, albeit 3/4 way through the work-out, you find your second wind and you pick up the pace, you even do a bit of actual cardio....and wait for it.....there's that fabulous feeling again. may not be the role model for Fit Yummy Mummy as yet...but you have got going....good on ya!! Whether you have dragged yourself out there or gone willingly the point is you are out there!

Keep it up! New studies show that exercise boosts brain power and memory....there...isn't THAT knowledge motivation enough?!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Raising The future Male Generation

Happy New Year! Belatedly - true - but isn't 2010 swell??

OK - so you haven't yet made up your mind - but every year starts with new expectations, new resolutions & you just cannot help find yourself filled with new hope...before you know it the year takes over with its little tasks & you forget the hope with which it began!

During my childhood Christmas was a lot of was a real family time & time we didn't get to spend together during the year was all made up at Christmas...or so it seems now...but when I really reminisce - my family really did spend a lot of family time together during school holidays (we were in boarding school the rest of the year!).

So - now I try to recreate that excitement for my boys - C1 is at an age when he understands that Santa Claus is coming & that he gets loads of presents, but how do you teach a 5 years old who's entire world revolves around himself that Christmas is about giving? With gentle reminders. We let him talk about what he wants from everyone & then steer him in the direction of OK so what do you want to buy for Mama & for Thathi (Dad) & Malli (Little Brother). He actually stops & thinks about it...that is an accomplishment in itself....he is now thinking about some-one other than himself.

As a mother - this Christmas holiday went swimmingly well. Naturally we had our share of squabbles between C1 & C2 - but nothing to get overly stressed about & after a very long time & as terrible as it sounds - I truly enjoyed my kids.

THAT was a good feeling. When you have one child its easy to enjoy him or her. Then C2 comes along & you feel as you're permanently defending C2's life first from attacks from his jealous brother & then from himself - because let's face it - C2 is NEVER the same calm child C1 was as baby & then a toddler & pre-schooler & C1 has made an amazing transformation right before your very eyes from your loving, caring, calm child into this green-eyed monster that only wants to wreak havoc, no matter how nice you are to him.

How to strike that balance? How do you give C1 the love & assurance he so obviously needs & is so obviously crying out for & still discipline him? Well it's frustrating to say the least & there are times when you are filled with anger & almost forget that this is just a little boy wanting attention from him Mama.

Then I received this book Raising Boys from my sister & in the hopes of starting anew with C1 in the new year - I have been reading excerpts - reading the parts that interest me to begin with & it has been a wonder. It gently reminds of the importance & traits of each parent's role. The importance of the father-figure is addresses as much as the mother-figure. And hopefully it will help me re-capture more & more of what seems to get lost in the everyday fray of discipline & routine.

It is a book I would highly recommend every parent  of boys to read......both parents. It certainly helps re-capture the wonder of boys, the trials, the tribulations & above all the joys that a child brings.